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That Power Life (Community)

Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Ephesians 4:12

Something God started to expose on the Race was my tendency to try to deal with my own personal spiritual and emotional crap on my own. I’ve been notorious for internally processing my thoughts and struggles, but going to others and talking stuff out and asking for their insight and help was a last resort. Talking it out for the sake of just talking was practically non-existent. But as the Race progressed, I realized that wasn’t healthy.

In Powerlifting, when bench pressing or squatting, you’ll usually have a spotter to help catch the weight or you if you start to buckle under the weight. And elite lifters who lifts a crap-ton of weight will usually have multiple spotters. Check out this video of one of my favorite lifters, Eric Lilliebridge, squatting. The final lift is 1,036lb!!

For that final lift, he had 5 people spotting him. 5 people he knew would have his back if he couldn’t make it back up in his own strength. God used this analogy to show me I don’t have to try to go through life alone. That I shouldn’t try. Cause sooner or later, I’m gonna get to an obstacle that feels like it’s gonna crush me. I’m gonna need the support of others to overcome the trial.

CGA has been the most intense season of personal spiritual/emotional growth. It’s been great. It’s been challenging. It’s been frustrating, rewarding, exhausting, and freeing. I owe everything to God for guiding me through this journey, being with me every step of the way. But He’s heavily used the people in my CGA community, who have quickly become family, to speak life and encouragement into, and to be there to listen to me talk out my thoughts. None of us would make it through without the support of the men and women standing next to us. Thank You God for awesome brothers and sisters who I know are spotting me. To those of you reading this who are currently or have been my spotters, Thank You! I leave you all with this question. 

Who are your spotters? Whose got your back?

Eric Lilliebridge benching 540lb. with a pause in the bottom