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That Power Life (The Church)

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.”

-2 Timothy 1:7

Fear- crippling, paralyzing, immobilizing, emotionally and mentally destructive.

Power- Strong, Explosive, Moves things, Overcomes

Love- Sacrificial, Faithful, Humble, Patient, etc (1 Corinthians 13)

Sound Mind- Confident, Unwavering, Persistent, Undeterred

(These aren’t official definitions. These are just definitions/adjectives that Holy Spirit brought to mind/shared with me)

Lately, we’ve been learning about how we’re hard-wired as people, our pre-programmed way of thinking and operating. It’s been very insightful and helpful. Alongside that, we’re continuing to go through some inner healing/emotional health sessions to help us uncover and deal with some of our emotional wounds in our past. With my Father leading me every step, I’ve started to realize, I’m not nearly as much of the odd man out, the third wheel, or the “quiet guy who’s always to serious.” I’m realizing that God’s given me dreams and interests, but also some spiritual gifts of insight/wisdom and am learning to exercise my voice more. I had always told others and myself that I’m quiet “because I have nothing to say.” Little did I know what I was speaking over myself at the time. Just because I’m not usually the man up front, doesn’t mean I’m not a leader. Just because I don’t talk alot, all the time, doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to contribute. Just because I’m not “normal” (I enjoy intense physical training, deep personal conversations, I love playing/writing music, I’m working on a full sleeve of tattoos, I cry during times of worship, I listen to heavy rock music, and I eat 6 times a day to get enough protein and calories), doesn’t mean I don’t belong.

In in the world of physical fitness and strength training, most people are usually impressed by the “show” muscles. Chest, abs, biceps, calves, maybe some thigh. What you can see from the front. Go to any commercial gym and you’ll see dozens of guys lined up to bench press and curl. However, what powerlifting, strongman, and weightlifting athletes know is that all your muscles must be working in unison to move big weight. Take the Squat for example.

(Arnold squatting 445lb.)

You put weight on your back. Break at the hips and knees until your hips get below parallel. Then stand back up. Leg exercise right? Wrong. Squats demand most everything below your eyebrows function together. It is not simply your quads, or even your whole legs doing the work. Every little muscle on every inch of the back of your body is tightened up and working to stablize you during the lift. If your spinal erectors failed to do their job, you would dump forward and get pushed into the floor. 

It’s the same way in the body of Christ, the Church. Not everyone is going to have the same personality, giftings, or specific calling. God has designed each one of us uniquely for a specific role in the Church, and to try to be something else with only wear us out, and deny others an important piece of the Kingdom of God He wants to bring to earth through US! I don’t have the entire puzzle of my life and calling put together yet, but God’s putting more and more pieces together with me. What I do know is I’m done holding back some of what God’s put inside of me and not living in 100% freedom to express and exercise the passions and gifts He’s given me.

“Thank You Father for not giving me a spirit that cripples or immobilizes me, or drains me emotionally and mentally, but You’ve given me YOUR Spirit. Your Spirit that makes me strong, that allows me overcome the trials that come my way in life. Your Spirit that allows me to put others ahead of myself, that allows me to stay faithful to you and my family even when things get hard or inconvenient. You’ve given me Your eyes for the downcast and the outcast. Thank You that by your Spirit, I can walk in confidence, unwavering, knowing that You’re with me and You’ll never let me down. Thank You God for your faithfulness and goodness! Your too awesome for words on a screen!! I love You Abba! Help me to know You more, like You know me. In Jesus’ name”